About Hide the Cheese
The name Hide the Cheese comes from a game that I played as a child at the end of dinner. Before clearing the table, my siblings and I would crawl underneath it, and my parents would hide small pieces of cheese (apparently ever present at dinner) among the items left on the table. Then we would come up to hunt for them. Our children love this game too and I hope that the family fun embodied in the game spills over into this website.
Many of my happiest memories from childhood involve the dining room table. Growing up, dinner was always a family affair, even if that meant waiting until 7 o’clock for my father to return from work, long after the neighbors had gone in for their 5:30 dinners. Our table was the place where we caught up, connected, and recharged as a family.
My husband, Gabe, and I both love to cook and eat, and we live around the dining room table. It is literally and figuratively the center of our home. We hope that our three children inherit a love for cooking and eating as a way of sharing their lives with those that they love.
Hide the Cheese is an attempt to honor the spirit of the family table by sharing recipes that help us connect as a family, either because they are recipes for foods that our children have enjoyed or because our children have helped cook them.
About me
I am a 40-something working mother who loves to spend my free time cooking. I am a home cook who believes that some of the best meals I have had in my life have been made in someone's home kitchen. I love food that tastes good, and I think it always tastes better when shared with others.
Gabe and I have three elementary-aged school children and we live in a suburb of Washington, D.C. Our goal when cooking at home is to use basic ingredients and few processed foods. When possible, we eat seasonally, locally, and organically. One of the highlights of my week is our trip to the local farmer's market.
On this site, I hope to capture the best of our family's aspirations to eat delicious, homemade food together. It is what sustains and inspires me and is what I want to remember about these years with our children. It is also what I want to give them to take wherever they go when they leave this nest.
By far, the best way to communicate with me is to leave a comment on one of my posts. I love hearing from all of you, and I check and respond to comments quickly. So often your comments are ones that will enrich other readers, too, so I encourage you to share.
If you want to contact me directly, you can send me an e-mail at [email protected].