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October 15, 2012


the beautiful girl that her parents should take credit for, they let her BE. I remember telling my son Gabe you should help Olivia (3 yrs.old) pick what she wears, and he said, NO, we like her to be who she is, that's what she likes so is fine....A TRUE FREE SPIRIT!
And now a great dumpling maker! How were they? Love you Oli!

Thanks, Eva. And the dumplings were as delicious as the process of watching her make them.

You made me cry in my office! She is such an impressive young girl. Very sweet post.

I love this story and your writing! Love the tie-in to the book. Love all the bracelets on Olivia's wrist. Isabel is following right behind Olivia chronologically and I understand this all. I can only hope the younger sib would be included in the parallel scenario in our house.
Thanks for sharing.

She is going to be a great wife and Mother. Mmmmmmmmmmm! Does that sound sexist? I did not mean to.

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