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July 09, 2012


I spent 24 hours in my hometown last week and stayed with my best friend since 1st grade-- the one who owned that C&T album, which we wore out.

Of course I remember the song! An oldie but the goodie! And I'm sure the heat added to the crankiness o the kids. It really was unbearable.

I love it, Carey! I'm so glad you ladies remember the song. Neha, I'd love to think it was just the heat.

i love this. and you know i totally feel you. that is a lot of togetherness. i remember saying to my friend that 12 hours straight is a long time to spend with anyone...even if you did carry and birth them. and in that heat! i remember just thinking, "if another child just TOUCHES me i think i will self-destruct." ;)

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