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January 03, 2012


Bonne Annee!

I'm torn on the new years's resolutions. In priniciple, I don't like to make them. I find Jan 1 to be a very arbitrary date. I am much more likely to make resolutions on my birthday which feels like a more signficant date for me. I also like to make fresh starts at times of transition- when school starts in the fall and so yes, now, as the holdiays end on twelfth night (so not really Jan 1). Maybe it's just semantics, but it feels more natural.

For me I always include eating healthier, moving more, getting outside more, spending more time with friends and family. Being more conscious of the choices I'm making in all areas of my life. And a goal from last year with which I still struggle- eliminate the word "should" from my vocabulary. Trying to look at all of life as choice instead of should.

This winter/spring I'm also going to try to be more serious on my attempt to learn French (hence the French New Year's greeting) My son is in the French Immersion and is now able to truly communicate in a language I don't understand. Could be dangerous in those teen years.

I've also resolved to write more. Last year I attempted to start my own blog but I didn't tell anyone nor did it last more than two posts. This year I'm trying again with a promise to myself to tell people about it. If you want to check it out it's at nomoreshould.blogspot.com. I can't promise that it will be great, only that I will do it, and that's enough.

Looking forward to new recipe at hidethecheese

Happy New Year to all.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment, Nancye, and welcome to the blogging world! NoMoreShould is an inspiring idea, and I look forward to reading regularly.

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