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May 10, 2011


I love the smell of grapefruit and am going to add it to our next batch of homemade green cleaning spray! Thanks for the wonderful idea!

Should any of your readers ever find themselves wavering, just tell them to read this and reinforce their determination:

Thanks so much! I've started using non-commercial cleaners, and much prefer them.

The laundry detergent I make (which does not take ten minutes) is scented with grapefruit too!

I use Mrs. Meyers in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure the scent of lemon verbena makes me pick up a rag.

This recipe looks great - can't wait to try it. Another anti-bacterial ingredient I might add to this recipe is Grapefruit Seed Extract - Kills staph, e-coli and salmonella so is great for the kitchen.
Thyme oil is also a good option and is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal - makes a good bathroom sanitizer.

Thanks for the excellent suggestions, Katrina. We'll have to try them. Anna, I'm going to have to try your detergent formula.

THANK YOU!!!!!! I will add this to my collection of non-toxic cleaning recipes. Mary

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