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January 13, 2011


Is this what we had with you? I seem to remember the children thinking there was a problem with the batch we ate: NOT ENOUGH! Yum!

As the French saying goes,
“La poire est sans le vin un dangereux poison
Que la santé redoute avec juste raison”
(Pear is without wine a dangerous poison that health dreads rightly)... This looks delicious! Didn't think of making it with white wine, will have to try this recipe! My mom taught me to peel the pear without cutting it and to cook it in red wine with a few spices. It looks like this http://cuisine.notrefamille.com/recettes-cuisine/poire-pochee-au-vin-_4620-r.html and tastes really good with vanilla ice cream ;-)

Thank you for sharing that link. It looks delicious. Do you core the pear without cutting it too? I'd love to do that. The whole pear looks very elegant.

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