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October 20, 2010


Eggplant is my favorite. I remember having it at Italian restaurants when I was a kid because no one else liked it. I still haven't found a group of eggplant eaters, so I mostly eat it away from home, where it has tons of oil in it no doubt.

I love the last picture!!!

I'm a little behind and I'm about to make some soft pretzel dough right now. So excited!


I can remember asking my mother, "Why do you make fried eggplant? No one likes it." I was about 8, and her answer, "I do" totally blew my mind. I had never thought that my mother would 1) have preferences and 2) actually act on them. Of course, I love eggplant now. Especially Sri Lankan Wambatu Moju--we'll have to make that for you all sometime.

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