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August 31, 2010


Yei Margy!...Welcome back!!!...What a beautiful summer the family had.
Many great wishes going your way for the swim/bike/run, like we say in Spanish,

So glad you are back! I missed HTC!!!!! Love the pictures of TLC. I'm hoping to experience it for myself next summer. Good luck with the Tri!

I missed your posts and recipes, but it's good to see you were able to unplug and spend time with the family. We went to Suriname for 2 weeks and was thankful not to have my smartphone to check email, although I did have wifi :-) for facebook. No work, lots of good quality time with the boys and Alphonse's family. Hope to see you soon. Good luck with the triathlon!

Your posts remind me of my own childhood in Minnesota and the time we spent at our lake with many cousins! We go back for a huge reunion every 5 years!! For now I am very content at our tiny lake here in Colorado. Looking forward to more recipes soon!

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