I left work early last Thursday, swung by home to pick up the makings of the crostini, and headed up to Annapolis for the governor's picnic. It was a bit of an odd contrast, going from lawyer mode in my air conditioned office to catering mode in the heat of summer, but not that different from those transitions that I make as a mother: from professional in a (mostly) rational work environment to nanny/laundress/cook/bottle washer/referee in a world where chaos is king.
Minutes before I left the house, I realized that the tent I had borrowed from a friend (thanks, Pam and Chris!) was tan, not white as had been requested by the coordinators of the event. It was too late to do anything about it, so I headed up anyway, hopeful that my non-regulation tent wouldn't get me thrown out.
It worked out fine, though, because as I pulled up, I saw a yellow and a blue tent on the lawn. Apparently the white tent is more of an aspiration than a requirement. Phew. My friend Mary of The Abundant Backyard came with me and helped me set up and get organized, as did Olivia, who has been incredibly helpful these days.
The crostini were so much easier to assemble than the grape leaves were last year. For one thing, I got to stand over a cooler instead of a grill, and Gabe and all of the kids helped assemble. It seemed that everyone who tried the dish liked it, although I was a bit disappointed that the bread did not hold its crunch. I had not taken into account that on a 1,894 degree day with 199% humidity, toasted bread does not stay crunchy. Every time I do this I learn something.
My favorite tent was the one set up by the Baltimore City Schools, which now has a program, Great Kids Farm, that gets students involved in growing, harvesting, and preparing fresh meals for their school cafeterias. They served pasta salad, and I have had many disappointing pasta salads in my day, but this one was actually quite tasty. Olivia pronounced it "100 times better than my school cafeteria's lunches" (are you listening, Jerry Weast?!?!) and went over to tell the chefs (and get a second bowl).
Oscar decided that our booth was the favorite even before he tried the crostini, "because it's our family!" followed by the Kilby's ice cream booth which was heavily sampled by our children and at least one of their parents. He got into the spirit of telling anyone who approached our tent about hidethecheese, even pressing one of my postcards on Maryland's first lady, Katie O'Malley.
I loved seeing the garden that Mrs. O'Malley had set up to ensure that her family eats the freshest vegetables. The broccoli and Swiss chard looked particularly beautiful.
So despite our debate about whether it was one degree hotter or one degree cooler than last year, we all had a good time, hanging out in the company of others who grow, prepare, and eat good, fresh food. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon.
Looks like you had another successful visit with the governor. Love your picture with him and Oscar.
Posted by: Alexis | July 19, 2010 at 10:28 AM
Wow, what wonderful things were served at the Governor's Picnic! Thanks for sharing your adventures and pictures! I'll have to check out Great Kids Farm. Our soon-to-be-first grader refuses to eat school lunch proclaiming that everything looks icky! I know there is a movement to try to get healthier lunches that include more fresh ingredients in Montgomery County Schools but wonder how long it will take to implement change.
Posted by: Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama | July 19, 2010 at 10:40 AM
Looks like lots of work but a very nice payoff. Congrats! I made these last night with goal to accompany our cinema al fresco. We detoured indoors for comfort, however, and thus the crostini=crunchy! They were very good. Will forward recipe to our good friends in Portland...
Posted by: DeeDee | July 19, 2010 at 10:47 AM
Way to go Margy!!...What an incredible experience the children are sharing with you!...The kids so enthusiastic, I like specially what Oscar said about your booth being the best..."because is our family"
soooo sweet this Oscar!
Posted by: eva | July 19, 2010 at 12:31 PM
Congratulations you 2 Governor's picnics in a row -- you are getting to be quite a regular there!! I can't wait to try these!
Posted by: Sarah | July 19, 2010 at 02:22 PM
More amazing adventures for you andyour family....and the picture is great!
Posted by: Patti | July 19, 2010 at 02:42 PM
Awesome picture with the Gov - you should go into politics! And great job Olivia, who will be a tremendous chef someday if she keeps this up.
Posted by: Eddie | July 19, 2010 at 05:45 PM
Margy, I am in awe of your transformation talents! Loved the recipe! Loved the family participation!
Posted by: Anita Havas | July 19, 2010 at 07:12 PM
Well done! Thanks for finding the time and energy to share this!
Posted by: Tomo | July 19, 2010 at 10:29 PM
Thanks so much for the kind words, all. It was an exciting day for all of us. And, DeeDee, I'm so glad they turned out well for you!
Posted by: Margy | July 22, 2010 at 09:50 PM