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July 19, 2010


Looks like you had another successful visit with the governor. Love your picture with him and Oscar.

Wow, what wonderful things were served at the Governor's Picnic! Thanks for sharing your adventures and pictures! I'll have to check out Great Kids Farm. Our soon-to-be-first grader refuses to eat school lunch proclaiming that everything looks icky! I know there is a movement to try to get healthier lunches that include more fresh ingredients in Montgomery County Schools but wonder how long it will take to implement change.

Looks like lots of work but a very nice payoff. Congrats! I made these last night with goal to accompany our cinema al fresco. We detoured indoors for comfort, however, and thus the crostini=crunchy! They were very good. Will forward recipe to our good friends in Portland...

Way to go Margy!!...What an incredible experience the children are sharing with you!...The kids so enthusiastic, I like specially what Oscar said about your booth being the best..."because is our family"
soooo sweet this Oscar!

Congratulations you 2 Governor's picnics in a row -- you are getting to be quite a regular there!! I can't wait to try these!

More amazing adventures for you andyour family....and the picture is great!

Awesome picture with the Gov - you should go into politics! And great job Olivia, who will be a tremendous chef someday if she keeps this up.

Margy, I am in awe of your transformation talents! Loved the recipe! Loved the family participation!

Well done! Thanks for finding the time and energy to share this!

Thanks so much for the kind words, all. It was an exciting day for all of us. And, DeeDee, I'm so glad they turned out well for you!

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