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June 17, 2010


The Inquirer's food section has an article about summer reading for foodies. Haven't read below the fold yet, but there may be something for you. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/food/20100617_Appetite_for_reading__Here_are_some_books_to_take_to_the_beach.html#axzz0r7uDftrU

Wonderful! Books, books, books...I love it! I love how you have gathered them.

In my house growing up and later, with Sam, we loved the Edward Eager books, passionately. Half Magic, Magic by the Lake, Knight's Castle, etc. Funny, I don't much care for magic - tricks, performers - but these books of course were about more than magic. Did you read them? And we loved the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle series although they may be very dated. And The Bronze Bow, The witch of Blackbird Pond, of course A wrinkle in time. Sam loved the Roald Dahl books until we found out he was anti-Semitic. And we all loved biographies, adored them. I can still remember many of them.

And we loved the Oz books - not just the Wizard but the Patchwork Girl of Oz and The Emerald City of Oz. We had a gorgeous set of them, with incredibly beautiful covers and pictures. And when I pick up one of these books today - or any of our childhood books - often I find my sister's name scrawled inside the front cover - this book belongs to Susan... followed on the next page by my handwriting - This book Belongs to Patti -and occasionally another name is added on the next page -This book belongs to David.

Nikki -- Reading for me?!? Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Phyllis -- so glad you enjoyed the post.
Patti -- Thanks for the excellent suggestions. And I love the way each of you took ownership of those old favorites.

I so love this idea!!! fortunately we have one more week of school so i have time to prepare. very very lovely. l.

Another lovely idea, Margy. Yet another idea of yours that I plan to "borrow" and claim as my own to the kids! The strawberry soda was a huge hit!

Laura and Katherine -- it makes me so happy that you like the idea and will share it with your kids. I love the idea of those little bundles of books sprouting up here and there. Let me know what you buy. I'm always eager to get more book ideas.

Just love this Margy, I write, as I sent my younger daughter to read since she stayed home from camp today with a slight cold! My happy summer memories are also of curling up with a book and I do hope I am able to inspire the younger one to learn that. My older daughter has that love innately. Love your blog, just getting to it somehow. Thank Gabe for me who pointed me your way via FB!

I'm so glad that you found the blog, Sarita. I hope you enjoy it. I'm sure that with the inspiration of her mother and her older sister, your youngest will soon discover the pleasures of getting pulled into a good story, too.

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