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May 07, 2010


Dear Margy,

You may have made a few "mistakes" along the way but whatever freedom you had also showed that you used it well with many, many wonderful accomplishments. Many joys have come our way because of you!

Love, Mom

I have teary eyes reading mother and daughter comments. I have to say, that Mary is an incredible human being that I am proud to call my friend, she is top of the top and I, being a Cuban mother, have appreciated her ways and have tried to put into practice..8-) restrain....It's harder, much harder for me....but still...I'm trying to learn new ways....God bless you both and thank God for bringing such exceptional women into my life...Thank you Margy for being patient with me, remember always everything I do it's done with tons of love!

Mama, XXOO!

Eva, I am blessed to have you in my life, too. Our children have two wonderful grandmothers that have their own unique qualities to bring. What a gift!

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