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March 14, 2010


That purple-y cake looks delicious!

Nicely done, Margy.

I love calling Olivia on her birthday and I love that she seemed to expect my call yesterday. Today, Kate is 4. Hard to believe that my baby is 4 years old. It seems as though we have entered a new level of parenthood with 3 kids and no toddlers. I love your traditions - thanks for sharing them with all of us. Middle March birthdays are so great with all the expectancy of Spring and warm times to come. Wishing the O's and the rest of your family warm times inside our house and hopefully, outside soon too!

LOVE the cake, Margy!!! We've got three birthdays within three weeks in March, too, and so I've been trying my hand at cake baking. Yours looks beautiful and delicious!

Such great stories! and such a great hat. I love it. Please wish them both very very happy birthdays for us! I cannot believe that Olivia is 10. That just seems insane. How did that happen so fast. L.

Happy birthday to Olivia! I love your birthday party ideas and think the hat cake turned out perfectly. Too bad about the contracts though as I'd love for my kids to sign them too!

Happy Birthday, Yaya!!! It has bee a great 10 years! Sign the contract!! (But add a little fine print that you get to decide all the details down the road)... Love you!! Auntie Sarah

Happy Birthday, Yaya!!! It has bee a great 10 years! Sign the contract!! (But add a little fine print that you get to decide all the details down the road)... Love you!! Auntie Sarah

happy birthday, olivia. (by the way, in the picture she looks just like chloe, but with dark hair!)

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