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March 26, 2010


Have a great trip!

I hope you have a fabulous trip and can't wait to hear all about your adventures. I agree that if all of your walks lead to food, you will have an amazing time! Wishing you safe travels and full stomachs!

I can't wait to hear your stories when you return, and to enjoy your photos. Hope you have a wonderful, safe and happy family adventure.
Love, Patti

Each of our three boys spent large parts of their lives inn Paris, and each is more interesting because of it. Have a wonderful, memorable trip, with jaunts to the Luxembourg Gardens and a boat ride on the Seine. And, of course, lots of warm pain chocolat and Orangina

Thanks, everyone. And thanks for the tips, Diane. The Luxembourg Gardens, river boat, pain au chocolat and Orangina are all on our list!

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