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December 18, 2009


yum. that looks great! some of my favorite sides are this carrot and parsnip whipped concoction (very yummy and so easy). this year, i'm going to be trying a corn pudding (but i'm worried it will be a little bland so if you have a great recipe i'd love it) as well as a spicy sweet potato thing and brussel sprouts with balsamic vinaigrette per smitten kitchen(but with pancetta). have a great xmas!!! l.

OK, having now eaten this for last night's dinner and today's lunch, I can personally attest that it's delicious!

Thanks Margy and Gabe, you're the best. Andrew.

My family is from the south and we love side dishes. One of our favorites, that admittedly, we eat at different times of the year is squash casserole. Also, my husbands family is from the Carribean and the side starch that is ever so popular, and that I love and have learned to make like my mother in law, is rice and peas with coconut milk. Thank you for sharring all of these delicious meals.

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