Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I can't think of a better way to spend the day than cooking and sharing a meal with family. One of my best Thanksgiving memories was the year that Olivia suggested that we all write down what we were thankful for and she would read them aloud. She perched her newly-reading self on a corner of the couch and read all of our lists. I know I saved those lists somewhere in this house, but I have no idea where. I do remember that most of us included each other on our lists in some form or another, but there were also a few hilarious ones. One of Gabe's top ten was butter.
Each year since, we have undertaken a similar ritual, taking a bit of time out of the day to share our gratitude. My list of things that I am thankful for is very long. I don't want to bore you with the entire list, but I can't let this opportunity pass without sharing a few.
- I am so, so thankful for my children, who keep me reminded of what is most important in life: enthusiasm for life's little treasures, complete absorption into the task at hand, the power of a good snuggle, silly, silly giggles, and the enjoyment of simply being together. And to Gabe, for being my partner in this life.
- I am also extremely thankful for having one of my sisters and my parents so close by. I miss my far-away sister and brother, but it is a gift to have family in the neighborhood. My children are growing up close to their cousins, aunt and uncle, and grandparents. And I have my oldest friends a few steps away.
- This year, I have this blog to be grateful for. After so many years working in the not-so-creative legal profession, I am loving this outlet for my creative impulses to cook, photograph, and write. Thank you for reading!
- On a more mundane note, I am also thankful this year for our own pile of fire wood. For years, we have burned wood that we bought or that my father generously gave us after collecting it throughout the year and splitting it. This year, though, we got a stash of wood from a neighbor who had taken down a tree and we have hauled, sawed, and split our way to a nice pile. The kids got into the act too, trying out the splitting and collecting kindling. Come on, winter, we are ready for you!
I am looking forward to Thursday's dinner with Sarah and Ed and their children, my parents, Gabe's mom, and my oh-so-special aunt and uncle from New York. Sarah and Ed will bring the fried turkey and apple and Boston cream pies. My mom will make her classic sage stuffing and cranberry sauce. We'll make vegetable shepherd's pie, and a couple of other pies, probably pecan and pear tarte tatin, and I think I'll try that Calvados Apple Galette from Gourmet. And I think we'll do some Brussels sprouts and extra mashed potatoes. Do you think that's enough?
If everything goes as planned, after dinner, we'll have a game of hide the cheese. The weather forecast now is for a cold, rainy day. I'm okay with that, though, because I want to see if we can put a dent in our wood pile.
What will you be having on your Thanksgiving table? What are you grateful for right now? Wherever you spend it, I wish you a warm and delicious holiday.
Mom theres no apple pie recipe. u should post 1. o
Posted by: ollie | April 30, 2011 at 11:27 AM
the time is actually 11:27 mom.
Posted by: ollie | April 30, 2011 at 11:28 AM