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August 18, 2009


that pie was AMAZING. thx for posting the recipe. and the last paragraph? i'm such a sucker for the sentimental...love it.

do you ever find that some peached just don't peel with the drop-in-boiling water method? I find it works most of the time, but every so often a batch won't peel (like tonight)

thanks for the inspiration- yours was so good last week I decided to make it myself! (in honor of Gabe's b-day and the triathalon today)


I haven't had that problem, maybe because I usually use super-ripe peaches, or seconds. Have you tried boiling them longer or you could just cut the skins off, although you would lose a bit of the flesh. How did the pie turn out?

We've always been a tapioca thickener kind of family, but my blueberry pie on Friday was way too soupy. I'm going to try the cornstarch for the boxes of peaches that are strewn across the kitchen and dining room right now!

Andrea, Let me know how it works out. A combination of tapioca and cornstarch might work well too.

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