Apparently, the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach, too. Or at least that is true for this woman. For two years in a row, our school's silent auction offered the opportunity to be a guest chef at a local ice cream parlor, Moorenko's. And for two years in a row we lost out to other bidders. So this year my husband bypassed the auction and gave me a gift certificate to design and make my own flavor at Moorenko's. Creating my own ice cream flavor? What could be better!
Susan Soorenko is Moorenko's founder, owner, and chief ice cream maker. She is passionate and clearly dedicated to producing the highest quality product possible. Her ice cream is ultra premium, made with local dairy products, and delicious. She has traditional flavors like mint chocolate chip and strawberry, but also a host of inventive flavors. We have loved the wild blueberry, bittersweet chocolate, and campari-grapefruit sorbet. Olivia loves the cotton candy gummy bear, but my favorite is cherries with the works, which is a vanilla base with Bordeaux cherries, semi-sweet chocolate flakes, and toasted pine nuts.
After exchanging ideas back and forth, Susan and I agreed to a rose flavored ice cream with pistachios. I had had a delicious rose ice cream years ago in a small town in Sicily, Noto. It was one of the most delicious foods I have ever eaten. I wanted to try to recreate that flavor. Susan suggested the pistachios, which sounded excellent to me.
wow, Margy. I am so impressed with your blog and all the yummy recipes I have seen. Patti directed me here and I am very grateful.
Posted by: Anita Havas | March 04, 2009 at 06:55 PM
So you're saying we'd better make it over to your house quickly if we want to get a taste :)
Posted by: Andrea | March 09, 2009 at 02:31 PM
Think there will be any left by mid-April? :)
Posted by: Pam | March 23, 2009 at 09:44 AM
we loooove moorenko's!
Posted by: rosana | March 26, 2009 at 03:13 PM