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February 16, 2009


I finally made this tonight along with the curry after eyeing it on the blog for a long time. So yum! Everyone got involved in making the roti and we had a lot of laughs seeing who could stand the most hot sauce along with it. I have a lot of leftover split pea filling...any ideas with what I can do with it?

Tamara, I'm so glad that you liked it! I have had leftover filling sometimes, too. I think that because Rosalyn is such an expert at making the bread, she is able to fit all that filling into the dough. I have modified the recipe to note that the first time you make it, all of the filling is unlikely to fit. As for the leftovers, I think they would be delicious thrown into a lentil soup or into mashed potatoes. Or, you could always make more roti!

yo wassup

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